Map31 thumb

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Void I is a map that can be reached from Blood River or Clouds. It leads to the three Towers. It has an outpost but no town. The safest route comes from Blood River.

Path from Clouds to Void I Chest[]


  • Island Deed in inventory, as this can be used to avoid several Ancient Wyverns.
  • Able to survive multiple attacks from an Undead Dragon. (No need to defeat the mob; it can be passed after fleeing combat.)


The path can be found at :File:Void_I_Path-Clouds.png.

  • Green tiles are the path to follow.
  • Red tiles are aggressive mob combat tiles.
  • Black tiles are blocked by objects.


Check the entire Monster list.

Image Name Level Health Accuracy Strength Defense Magic Melee Block Magic Block
Ancient Wyvern Ancient Wyvern 370 460 500 100 420 - 25 25
Efreet Sultan Efreet Sultan 143 142 200 30 200 - 40 30
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental 174 136 260 40 260 - 40 30
Fire Overlord Fire Overlord 193 172 250 50 300 - 30 40
Flame Observer Flame Observer 142 138 300 120 10 - - -
Raguel The Archangel Raguel The Archangel [BOSS] 2090 7350 470 140 400 - - -
Shadow Dragon Shadow Dragon 300 350 350 100 400 - - -
Soul Trapper Soul Trapper 305 380 350 130 360 - - 60
Undead Dragon Undead Dragon 295 350 380 120 330 - 50 -
Underworld Lord Underworld Lord 330 360 410 100 450 - - -